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 Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?

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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2005

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MessageSujet: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeMar 22 Mar - 14:31


BAINS de SANG au YEMEN, et à BAHREIN où interviennent les séoudiens WAH-A-BLIS, lesquels NE sont JAMAIS intervenus quand des Palestiniens SOUNIS de GHAZA, se faisaient MASSACRER par les SIONISTES...
أنقذوا الأرواح في البحرين

تتابع شبكة مدونون وصحفيون من اجل حقوق الإنسان ” تكلم ” بقلق بالغ الاعتداءات التي ارتكبتها فجر اليوم الأربعاء 16 مارس2011 قوات مكافحه الشغب البحرينية مدعومة بقوات مسلحه سعوديه وإماراتيه ونفذت هجوما على المعتصمين في دوار اللؤلؤه مستخدمه كافه الأسلحة النارية وطائرات وقناصة من أسطح البنايات المحيطة بالدوار كما سدت جميع المنافذ لمنع هروب المعتصمين ومنع وصول سيارات الإسعاف والأهالي إلى دوار اللؤلؤه حيث أداء ذلك إلى سقوط العديد من القتلى والجرحى ويتوقع ارتفاع عددهم بسبب تعذر العلاج

و تناشد الشبكة المجتمع الدولي التدخل السريع لحماية المعتصمين العزل وأن يتحمل المسؤولية عما يتعرض له شباب البحرين من قتل واعتداء واتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة والفورية لحماية شعب البحرين ووقف إزهاق الأرواح والسماح للمواطنين بحقهم المشروع في التظاهر والاعتصام وفق المعاهدات والاتفاقيات والمواثيق الدولية
Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Dilem1
Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? 16689
اعمدة الدخان تنتشر قرب دوار اللؤلؤة من اثار الرصاص والقذائف وقنابل الغازات التي اطلقت على الممتصمين فيه اثناء هجوم القوات السعودية عليهم بمشاركة قوات اماراتية وبحرينية
Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? 5531942883_8d40b2b505
Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? 5532525580_108ed3fc14مجازر الجيش السعودى فى البحرينLes MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? 5532526284_cb70d5c3a3

Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? 1300289078

تنبيه : لفضاعة مجازر آل سعود وآل خليفة في حق الشعب البحريني الأعزل والتي لم ترتكبها الصهاينة في تاريخهم الأسود تعَذرَ علينا عرضها مباشرة .

الصور تحتاج لقلب قوي

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MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeMer 30 Mar - 8:43

Abu bilal, rajab tayyib Erdoghan au mausolée de l'imam Ali (as) à Najaf


Son Excellence Erdogan visite le mausolée de l’Imam Ali (P) dans le Najaf en Irak..

En ce deuxième jour de sa visite en Irak, le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan signe et persiste sa volonté de renforcer l’unité entre les Musulmans, notamment en se rendant au Najaf, l’une des plus importantes provinces irakiennes chiites.

Erdogan a tenu à se promener dans les rues de la ville sainte de Najaf où la population lui a réservé un accueil chaleureux avant de visiter le mausolée de l’Imam Ali (P)…
Selon Khaled al-Jashaami, un membre du conseil provincial de Najaf, "Najaf a terminé tous les préparatifs pour recevoir Erdogan lors de sa visite historique"…

Le Premier ministre s’est ensuite rendu chez le Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani pour lui faire part de l’initiative turque concernant la crise bahreïnie.

En effet, Erdogan avait exprimé des craintes au sujet des troubles entre chiites et sunnites à Bahreïn, mettant en garde contre un deuxième Karbala.

De son côté, le ministre des Affaires étrangères turc Ahmet Davutoglu a déclaré à CNN Turk que " les troubles pourraient produire une étincelle capable de provoquer un conflit international et la propagation des tensions entre chiites et sunnites dans toute la région"..

Pour sa part, Sayyed Sistani a appelé en début de ce mois le gouvernement du Bahreïn à mettre un terme à sa violente répression des manifestants à majorité chiite dans le royaume du Golfe.

Cela dit, Lundi, le chef du gouvernement turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a rencontré son homologue irakien Nouri al Maliki.

Les deux Premiers ministres ont exprimé leur détermination une nouvelle fois concernant la coopération dans la lutte contre la terreur.

Erdogan et Maliki ont mis l'accent sur leur détermination dans la lutte anti-terreur.

Le Premier ministre irakien Maliki a souligné l'importance d'une position commune pour éradiquer l'influence de la terreur régénérée par les organisations PKK et Al-Qaïda.

Maliki a évalué les mouvements populaires dans les pays arabes. « Nous sommes d'avis que les revendications des peuples sont légitimes, mais cela ne signifie pas que l'on doit nous ingérer dans les affaires intérieures de ces pays » a-t-il ajouté.

Le Premier ministre Erdogan a annoncé que le mécanisme tripartite constitué pour lutter contre la terreur avait été abordé de long en large au cours de l'entretien.

M. Erdogan a évoqué la sensibilité de la Turquie concernant l'unité et l'intégralité de l'Irak, tout en exprimant des messages de coopération, de fraternité et de solidarité .

Ma'a Salaam

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MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeSam 21 Mai - 19:59


السلفي عثمان الخميس شهداء الثورة المصرية ليسوا شهداء [/size]

د.يوسف الأحمد وإجابة سؤال حول الحكم الشرعي للمظاهرات

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MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeMar 14 Juin - 3:12

Salam Alaykoum,

Un chèque sans provision wahabi enragé par la forte progression du chiisme ABOIE comme un chien enragé:

Observez ces jeunes INNOCENTS venus prier, auxquels il IMPOSE son discours, et qui n'en ont rien à foutre de SA HAINE et de ses ABOIEMENTS...

Cause toujours et continue de BAVER, rien n'empêchera DIN ALLAH, de S'IMPOSER wa law Kariha ZANADIQA AL WAHABYA.
Ce n'est pas tant le sounisme que fuient les gens qui reviennent à Allah et à la souna que suivent les chiites disciples des Ahl el beyt, as,
mais justement, L'HERESIE SALAFIE et WAHABIE qu'ils découvrent n'être que des BIDA'A, INNOVATIONS qui conduisent en Enfer

Ce cheikh saoudien est très inquiet de la forte propagation NATURELLE du chiisme dans les pays arabo-musulman où le SOUNISME a été IMPOSE par le fer.
RETOUR à ALLAH, et à la SOUNA authentique en centaines de milliers.
Après Qardhaoui, cet olibrius d'un autre âge n'a que son GOSIER pour geindre: Du sunnisme au chiisme, rien de plus naturel, pour quiconque A LU les hadiths, le CORAN, et CRAINT ALLAH et le Jugement dernier.

Dans des pays arabes tels que le Koweit et le Yemen, selon lui, les chiites sont devenus majoritaires, mais qu'y a-t-il d'anormal, quand le niveau de connaissances augmente et que l'on ne peut plus continuer à MENTIR aux gens qui réfléchissent ?

L'aspect géopolitique est très favorable aux chiites. ( La discrimination des chiites de l'Arabie saoudite doit absolument CESSER, comme a cessé L'ESCLAVAGE et la traite des noirs.
Pour ce dégénéré le fait qu'Allah a mis sous le contrôle des chiites 80% du pétrole de ce pays IMPIE, qui est le 1er exportateur du pétrole dans le monde .... est une faute du Créateur... Il faut qu'il écrive à Tel Aviv, au Vatican et à la Maison Blanche, pour se plaindre, et pour bien leur faire comprendre qu'il ne plaisante pas, il doit les menacer de faire des prêches pour retirer par les Saoudiens, leurs avoirs dans les banques sionistes, croisées et "néo-CONS" US....
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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2005

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MessageSujet: Mensonges et SILENCE complice à propos de Bahreïn et SYRIE   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeMer 15 Juin - 15:33


on ne peut pas mentir tt le temps a tt le monde n'en deplaise aus SALAFIS et autres WAHABIS qui ont perdu leur âme, j'espère que les MUSULMANS vont bouger pour défendre ces médecins MOUDJAHIDINE fi SABILI ALLAH, auquels rend hommage le non musulman -encore moins shiite- Robert Fisk...

Fisk on Bahrein : Eye opening

Robert Fisk: I saw these brave doctors trying to save lives – these charges are a pack of lies

Eyewitness: Bahrain didn't invite the Saudis to send their troops; the Saudis invaded and received a post-dated invitation

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Has the Khalifa family gone mad? Yesterday, the Bahraini royal family started an utterly fraudulent trial of 48 surgeons, doctors, paramedics and nurses, accusing them of trying to topple the tin-pot monarchy of this Sunni minority emirate. The defendants in this flagrantly unfair military court are, of course, members of the majority Shia people of Bahrain. And since I was a witness to their heroic efforts to save lives in February, I can say – let us speak with a frankness that the Bahraini rulers would normally demand – that the charges are a pack of lies.

Doctors I saw, drenched in their patients' blood, desperately trying to staunch the bullet wounds of pro-democracy demonstrators shot in cold blood by Bahraini soldiers and police, are now on trial. I watched armed policemen refusing to allow ambulances to collect the wounded from the roads where they had been cut down.

These are the very same doctors and nurses I stood beside four months ago in the Sulaimaniya emergency room, some of them weeping as they tried to deal with gunshot wounds the like of which they had never seen before.

"How could they do this to these people?" one of them asked me. "We have never dealt with trauma wounds like these before." Next to us lay a man with bullet wounds in the chest and thigh, coughing blood on to the floor.

The surgeons were frightened that they did not have the skills to save these victims of police violence. Now the police have accused the doctors and staff of killing the patients whom the police themselves shot.

How could these fine medical men and women have been trying to "topple" the monarchy?
The idea that these 48 defendants are guilty of such a vicious charge is not just preposterous. It is insane, a total perversion – no, the total opposite – of the truth. The police were firing at demonstrators from helicopters.

The idea that a woman and child died because they were rejected by doctors and refused medical treatment is a fantasy. The only problems medical staff encountered at the Sulaimaniya hospital – and again, I was a witness and, unlike the Bahraini security authorities, I do not tell lies – was from the cruel policemen who blocked patients from reaching the medical facility.

In truth, of course, the Khalifa family is not mad. Nor are the Sunni minority of Bahrain intrinsically bad or sectarian. The reality is clear for anyone to see in Bahrain. The Saudis are now running the country. They never received an invitation to send their own soldiers to support the Bahraini "security forces" from the Bahraini Crown Prince, who is a decent man. They simply invaded and received a post-dated invitation.

The subsequent destruction of ancient Shia mosques in Bahrain was a Saudi project, entirely in line with the kingdom's Taliban-style hatred of all things Shia. Could the Bahraini prime minister be elected, I asked a member of the royal court last February? "The Saudis would not permit this," he replied. Of course not. Because they now control Bahrain. Hence the Saudi-style doctors' trial.

Bahrain is no longer the kingdom of the Khalifas. It has become a Saudi palatinate, a confederated province of Saudi Arabia, a pocket-size weasel state from which all journalists should in future use the dateline: Manama, Occupied Bahrain.

Like Robert Fisk on The Independent on

'They shot people who were trying to get away'

A dispatch that reveals the brutal truth about regime's crackdown

Exclusive by Kim Sengupta and Justin Vela in Idlib, Syria
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
The haunting memories of savage violence and loss are fresh in their minds. Now, with the vengeful forces of the regime closing in, the terrified and exhausted stream of the dispossessed fleeing Syria's strife await an uncertain fate. More than 10,000 people have headed for the Turkish border in an attempt to escape the onslaught unleashed by Bashar al-Assad. They were living in squalor with little food and water and no shelter. But they were prepared to suffer that to reach a place of relative safety away from the tanks, artillery and helicopter gunships, and the death they bring.
It is not known just how long this respite will last. The regime's forces are less than 15km away, and yesterday Damascus announced that the current offensive in Idlib province, which saw the storming of Jisr al-Shughour – a city which had become a symbol of militant opposition – will continue to roll on until the "criminal gangs" are crushed.
The Independent met some of these victims of a war waged on them by their own state by crossing over from Turkey across valleys and ridges on a smugglers' route. Our guides were young men carrying in meagre supplies by hand: bottles of water and loaves of bread. This is the only aid of any kind getting through to a humanitarian crisis which worsens by the day.
The tales we heard were harrowing – of indiscriminate shootings and casual killings, of hurried burials and burning houses. One needs to be cautious of these accounts because they can be embellished. But there was a sense of bewilderment among those huddled together about what has happened. There was also the sight of the very young and elderly swathed in bandages. On a sloping hillside were a series of graves of those who, without medical help, had succumbed to their injuries.
Among the crowd were soldiers who had changed sides. They acknowledged serving a repressive regime without questions. But they had stopped doing so, they insisted, because of the vicious nature of the current military operations. Surrounded by people who have suffered at the hands of their fellow troops, the soldiers were nervous. Ismail Sher Saleh, a 25-year-old former sergeant of infantry, had deserted just before troops of the 4th armoured division led by the President's brother, Lieutenant-Colonel Maher al-Assad, had launched their attack on Jisr al-Shughour.
"They could kill me if they caught me," he said, twisting a black-and-white checked keffiyeh [scarf] in his fingers. "It could be the Mukhabarat [secret police] or even people I had served with. Some terrible things are being done: I have seen people getting shot for no reason. They would kill me because they would consider me a traitor and because I know what they had done."
Cradling three-year-old Sabia in her arms, Halima Um Qais traced her finger along the three elastoplast strips on her daughter's forehead. "Something large exploded near our house and she was cut by metal which came through the air. We are poor people, farmers – I do not know why they wanted to bomb us," she said. "We are going to try to take her to a hospital. We are worried because it is in the head and it could be serious."
The family is among the hundreds who are crossing into Turkey every day. Officials have put the figure so far at around 6,000, although many more have slipped in. The wounded are taken for treatment, but the rest are sent immediately to holding centres. The number of these camps has increased from one to three in seven days, with a fourth one under construction, away from contact with local people and, more specifically, the media.
Turkey's Prime Minister, Tayyip Erdogan, whose party won national elections held two days ago, has watched the chaos in Syria with growing alarm. He has called on President Assad, with whom he had built up strong links, to rein in his troops, and has denounced the "barbaric" actions still being taken.
On Sunday evening, while receiving a congratulatory telephone call from David Cameron, he gave his backing to a proposed Anglo-French resolution at the United Nations condemning the actions of the Syrian regime.
Meanwhile, Turkish troops at the border have stopped the media from venturing into Syria – The Independent had to take a detour to avoid patrols and reach families strung out along a river valley. There was suspicion in the camp, rumours of intelligence agents sent to collect information and seek out targets for future reckoning. A tall man with a bulge under his blue jacket scrutinised the identity card of our Turkish guide and questioned me about our journey. "Please excuse us," he said. "We have to be careful about spies. The [regime's] soldiers are not very far back. They may come this way; I am looking after security."
There had been reports that some of the "refugees" had come armed with Kalashnikov rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, which would give credence to claims from Damascus of armed groups moving among the protesters. "No, we are just ordinary people," said the security man. Was he carrying a pistol? "No absolutely not," he shook his head.
The vast majority of those present were sleeping under trees offering scant cover from the rain; a few have managed to drive pick-up trucks cross-country and use the trailer to sleep; others have built makeshift tents out of rags and plastic sheeting. A small well could not cope with the demands of the growing numbers. A pond with floating rubbish and the waters of the river, with animals wallowing in the shallows, was being used for washing and drinking.
"I know this is bad, but we are alive" said Siraz Abdullah, a 19-year-old student from a village near Jisra al-Shughour. "We have nothing left there. We had big guns used [against us] and then there were helicopters. They were flying low, so they could see they were shooting at people. They shot people who were not fighting but trying to get away. I saw two men getting hit as they were running away."
There were repeated claims that fighters from the Shabiha, a militia from the Alawite community from which the Assad family and country's élite belong, had taken part in atrocities. Mohammed Hafiz, a carpenter from a hamlet south of Jisra al-Shughour, said: "They were not the army, but they came just afterwards. These men were very aggressive: they enjoyed shooting people.
"They went up on rooftops and shot at demonstrations. No one knew who sent them. We found out that they were this militia everyone was frightened of. It was they who started the real trouble by firing on a funeral."
Ahmed ibn Abdurrahman was too tired to carry on. Sitting with his wife and brother on a rug laid on the dust, he sighed, "I need to go home. I have a house and I want to go back to that." Mr Abdurrahman's home was in Maarat al-Numan. A military spokesman in Damascus announced that city will be "dealt with" in the next few days.

Outrage in Damascus at fake lesbian blogger By Jerome Taylor, Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Syria's already embattled gay community has reacted with dismay that a popular blog supposedly written by a lesbian from Damascus was, in fact, dreamt up by a US academic living in Scotland.

Tom MacMaster, 40, a PhD student from Edinburgh, has apologised for Gay Girl in Damascus, which purported to describe life in the Syrian capital for Amina Abdallah, an openly lesbian 25-year-old.
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The student defended his creation, saying that although the account was fictionalised, it described accurately the atmosphere inside Syria both for the gay community and pro-democracy activists. But genuine gay bloggers inside the country said the webpage had damaged Syria's nascent gay rights community and even put activists' lives in danger. Sami Hamwi, editor of the Syria page of Gay Middle East, said he and friends had taken personal risks to discover the fate of Amina Abdallah, after Mr MacMaster uploaded a post claiming that the blog's author had been seized by the country's feared security forces.

"I have myself started to investigate Amina's arrest," he wrote. "I could have put myself in a grave danger inquiring about a fictitious figure. Shame on you." In a webcam interview with The Independent Daniel Nassar, an openly gay man living in Damascus, described how his friends had been affected by the publicity the fake blog received in a country where homosexuality remains controversial.

"We were absolutely outraged when it emerged that the blog was made up," he said. "It has brought so much unwanted negative focus on Syria's LGBT community. Everyday I see my lesbian and gay friends struggling to lead a double life, this is the last thing they needed. Now we have had Syrian national television picking up on the story and running with it all day." In a further twist, last night a second blogger known as Paula Brooks, who posted some of the fraudulent Arraf's comments on a lesbian news site, admitted to being a man who had adopted a fake lesbian persona.

The Washington Post reported late Monday that "Brooks" was a 58-year-old retired US air force member named Bill Graber.

Graber admitted the deceit when phoned by the AP. He said he had set up the site to advance the gay and lesbian cause and felt he would not be taken seriously as a straight man.

"LezGetReal was not meant to be deceitful or con anyone," he said.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeMar 5 Juil - 6:18
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MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeVen 30 Sep - 9:56


La Révolution du BAHREYN, boudée par les hérétiques du sounisme et les valets salafis et wahabis des USA et du sionisme, car en effet, BAHREYN, tout comme l'Arabie saoudite abritent des bases US, et sont tous deux ALLIES d'Israël...

فلم وثائقي مهم عن الثورة المنسية في البحرين والتي بثتها قناة الجزيرة الانكليزية وليست الجزيرة العربية! والعاقل يفهم

إن لهذة القناة وجهان مختلفان تماما ولا علاقةلأحدهما بالآخر الوجه الناطق باللغة العربيه يتم توجيهه بما يتلاءم مع

سياسة الحكومه القطرية ليخاطب العقل العربي (أو ما بقي منه ) , و الوجه الثاني الناطق بالإنكليزية ويخاطب العقل الغربي و يعمل فيه خيرة الإعلاميين الغربيين- والذين تم إستقطاب بعضهم من محطات مرموقة أترككم مع واحد من أروع الأفلام الوثائقية التي تناولت ثورة الشعب البحريني و وثّق بالصوت والصورة الحجم الرهيب لجرائم آل خليفة و تجاوزهم لكل الأعراف والقيم الإنسانية الفلم سبب حالياً أزمة دبلوماسية بين البحرين وقطربعد أن تشاهدوا الفلم لا تنسوا الشعب البحريني وكل المظلومين سواء في سوريا واليمن وليبيا أو أي مكان في العالم من دعائكم لهم فهذا أضعف الإيمان الفلم باللغة الإنكليزية البحريني
Qu'avons-nous en face, c'est-à-dire dans le camp des MAJOUS WAHABIS, puisque nous avons prouvé que c'est OMAR qui a pris la SOUNA des MAJOUS, et l'a introduite en Islam, comme le CROISEMENT des BRAS et l'IMITATION des PRINCES MAJOUS dont il fit ses conseillers à côté des RABBINS juifs, comme KAAB Al AHBAR, dont il fit le CHEIKH avant chaque prière du VENDREDI.... au point que c'est bien l'un d'eux qui l'exécuta, sur COMPLOT entre 'AMR Ibn Al'As, et son complice MOU'AWIYA, les commanditaires de l'ASSASSINAT d'Omar Ibn Al Khattab, qui risquait de contrôler leurs activités MECREANTES et leur DILAPIDATION du Trésor des musulmans.

Un chèque sans provision wahabi enragé par la forte progression du chiisme ABOIE comme un chien enragé:

Observez ces jeunes INNOCENTS venus prier, auxquels il IMPOSE son discours, et qui n'en ont rien à foutre de SA HAINE et de ses ABOIEMENTS...

Cause toujours et continue de BAVER, rien n'empêchera DIN ALLAH, de S'IMPOSER wa law Kariha ZANADIQA AL WAHABYA.
Ce n'est pas tant le sounisme que fuient les gens qui reviennent à Allah et à la souna que suivent les chiites disciples des Ahl el beyt, as,
mais justement, L'HERESIE SALAFIE et WAHABIE qu'ils découvrent n'être que des BIDA'A, INNOVATIONS qui conduisent en Enfer

Ce cheikh saoudien est très inquiet de la forte propagation NATURELLE du chiisme dans les pays arabo-musulman où le SOUNISME a été IMPOSE par le fer.
RETOUR à ALLAH, et à la SOUNA authentique en centaines de milliers.
Après Qardhaoui, cet olibrius d'un autre âge n'a que son GOSIER pour geindre: Du sunnisme au chiisme, rien de plus naturel, pour quiconque A LU les hadiths, le CORAN, et CRAINT ALLAH et le Jugement dernier.

Dans des pays arabes tels que le Koweit et le Yemen, selon lui, les chiites sont devenus majoritaires, mais qu'y a-t-il d'anormal, quand le niveau de connaissances augmente et que l'on ne peut plus continuer à MENTIR aux gens qui réfléchissent ?

L'aspect géopolitique est très favorable aux chiites. ( La discrimination des chiites de l'Arabie saoudite doit absolument CESSER, comme a cessé L'ESCLAVAGE et la traite des noirs.
Pour ce dégénéré le fait qu'Allah a mis sous le contrôle des chiites 80% du pétrole de ce pays IMPIE, qui est le 1er exportateur du pétrole dans le monde .... est une faute du Créateur... Il faut qu'il écrive à Tel Aviv, au Vatican et à la Maison Blanche, pour se plaindre, et pour bien leur faire comprendre qu'il ne plaisante pas, il doit les menacer de faire des prêches pour retirer par les Saoudiens, leurs avoirs dans les banques sionistes, croisées et "néo-CONS" US....
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Nombre de messages : 4469
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2005

Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeMer 11 Avr - 12:25


Rappelez-vous, il y a plus d'un an les agresseurs séoudo-WAHABIS ont ENVAHI l'ile de BAHREYN, sous le regard COMPLICE des DEMS ou khrate occidentaux, car, les WAHABIS étaient missionnés par les généraux de la BASE navale US, présente sur ce territoire OCCUPE depuis que les Anglais ont cédé la base aux USA, et mis au pouvoir un de leur supplétifs, locaux, de rite sounis, oups, souMMMMis, pour faire l'adjudant de quartier.

Comme le roitelet bahreyni, et sa cour, se sont tellement empêtrés dans la LUXURE, et comme l'AIPAC, le lobby SIONISTE aux USA, l'a promis au roitelet dont l'ambassadrice sioniste aux USA, il fallait réagir CONTRE le désir des Bahreyni, de rite à 80% chiite, les stratèges américains ont décidé de transformer la quête légitime de libération, en querelle religieuse, et pour cela, ils ont intimé l'ordre à leurs serviles chouyoukhs de rite Sahyouno-Wahabi, de proclamer le JIHAD contre l'islam chiite et donc, contre le peuple Bahreyni, ce qui fut fait illico presto, par les zélotes séoudiens.

La Syrie, voit elle se réunir contre elle, tous les zélotes salafo-wahabo-sionistes du monde musulman, sous le commandement des maîtres ès manipulations de musulmans, les petits enfants, de Lawrence d'Arabie, du général Gouraud et de Kamal Ata Turk...
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Nombre de messages : 5501
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2005

Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeMer 11 Avr - 16:10

ithviriw a écrit:

Rappelez-vous, il y a plus d'un an les agresseurs séoudo-WAHABIS ont ENVAHI l'ile de BAHREYN, ...


<p>Rappelez-vous il y'a très longtemps les agresseurs Madjouss ont envahi les territoires de l'Ahwaz et les iles de Tomb....sous le regard complice de la communauté internationale, vu que le Madjoussie était le 1er pays dans la région à reconnaitre les sionistes

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Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2012

Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeJeu 13 Sep - 13:11

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Nombre de messages : 4469
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeMer 10 Oct - 15:59


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Nombre de messages : 190
Date d'inscription : 07/01/2012

Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..?   Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? Icon_minitimeDim 18 Mai - 14:00

pendant que nos frères du Bahrein se font massacrer...

Les MASSACRES de musulmans au YEMEN et à BAHREIN par..? 10380896_698005740236244_524072719930350573_n
الاميرة البحرينية مريم آل خليفة بين المارينز الاميركان ....
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